Presence in the Wild
Nature Quest in the Carpathians 2021
Sun 29th of August - Sun 5th of September 2021
Southern Carpathian Mountains/ Romania
Homebase in Șinca Nouă, Transilvania
Guest House Equus Silvaniaguesthouse
People on their 'Inner Journey', engaged in transformational work, (self-)leadership and 'inner' capacity building
A Transformation Special in the Mountains
with Walter Bertolini and Din van Helden
‘PRESENCE IN THE WILD’ is an 8-day retreat and profound experience
of the self in the pristine nature of the Southern Carpathians in Romania.
This NATURE QUEST is a unique opportunity to experience deep
immersion in nature. Out in this wild nature, you can give your mind and
body a deep relaxation. Your whole being will get more aligned with life
itself. This often deep experience of connectedness, presence and
clarity is such a healthy ground to (re) connect with your true intentions.
This programme involves 4 days and nights solo time in nature. At the
heart of this process are ideas drawn by JOHN P. MILTON (founder of
Way of Nature) and other transformative practices. All to support you in
releasing blockages and strengthen the ability to see and consciously
experiencing yourself as an interconnected, interdependent partner of
This journey in the remote Carpathian Mountains, serves in;
• Conscious time off, to refocus yourself and engage curiously in an inner reorientation,
• Detaching yourself from the busy everyday life, to relax and, if necessary, to face inner ‚blockages‘ in a friendly way, to let go where it
makes sense to do so,
• Experiencing a profound connection with your deepest intentions, the underlying potentiality of life force and recharging your life/
(self-) leadership task at its root,
• Taking the seeds from this experience back into your everyday life.
Creating an inspiring Space
How do we go about creating this space? How do we access and experience a different quality of Being and Knowing, which is often described as a state of 'Presence'? Somehow through entering this space we realize, something we have always known deep inside, that nature itself (your inner, outer and true nature - see www.sacredpassage.com - the 3 Natures) is the most powerful teachers of all … ‘the intelligence of life in its purest form'.
Our intentions:
based on our own extensive experience as practitioners, coaches and guides over many years, we will provide you with helpful tools (i.e. work on mindset, intentions, contemplation, counseling etc.) in order to support you individually and collectively throughout your deep transformation.
we encourage reflection and maintain an secure environment for your learning and growth, which will allow you to connect fully with your 3 ‘Natures’ (inner, outer, true)’....
And, honoring the traditions we draw on and the wonder of nature, we hope each of us leaves the retreat with a joyful heart, firm clarity and a clearer intention to act in new ways.
The conceptual background is based on old wisdom traditions as well as contemporary whole system approaches toward deep transformation (Way of Nature, U-Process, Contemplation, Systemic Change, ..).
We invite you to join us on this ‘journey’ for unforgettable 8 days in the Southern Carpathian Mountains (Fagaras Mountains) and be part of this program.
“Those who will flow as life flows know they need no other force” – Lao Tzu

Private: € 1.560,-- including 20% VAT,
Corporate: € 1.650,-- plus 20% VAT (€ 1.980,--)
this price includes training and guiding expenses incl. transportation to /from solo sites as well asl food at solo sites.
Not included: Travelcosts to our Homebase in Romania/Sinca Noua (Equus Silvania) and the stay at our Homebase (4-5 nights depending on individual arrivals and departures)
Single Room costs ( half board) approx € 70/day and Double Room (half board) approx € 50 /day
scholarships/ discounts are possible
Limited Participation
SEND US AN E-MAIL (office@bertolini.at, din@stroom-facilitation.com)
The Coaches & Guides
Walter Bertolini has been working many years as a systemic Organizational Consultant and Leadership Coach, founding partner of werk4 and the inspirational Leadership Project Essenz der Führung. He has reconnected with the power of being in & one with wild nature years ago, which brought him to found Way of Nature Austria (www.wayofnature-austria.at) as part of Way of Nature International. His transformational work incorporates powerful systemic approaches and is at the same time nurtured & deeply inspired by core practices of ancient wisdom traditions as well as contemporary awareness practices.
Walter, originally from Western Austria, currently lives in Vienna and is working internationally.
Din van Helden is a guide and advisor pioneering a new generation of development programmes, with nature. Her work combines renewed ideas about leadership and change, deep reconnection to nature, and wisdom from ancient cultures to support positive, systemic change. She leads a learning and reconnecting enterprise Grounding. Din, being a Nature Guide herself and Way of Nature Austria member, will provide her wealth of experience. She guides together with Walter the participants during this retreat. Din, originally from the Netherlands, lives in Austria and is working internationally.
There will also be nature guides from Carpathia on site.
