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Walking in the Wild Romania/Transilvania Cobor


Sat 13th - Sat 20th September 2025 


Unique sites in the ancient oak
forests of Transylvania

biological farm Cobor *

A 'Transformation with Nature- Special' 
by Walter Bertolini & Markus Gygli


With 'Walking in the Wild' we give ourselves an extraordinary time out, an unforgettable opportunity to connect more deeply with ourselves and at the same time with the extraordinary transforming power of nature. In a small group we will hike for several days through the vast and often untouched nature of the Transylvanian hills in Romania.

By 'getting close to our Self', we mean seeking out, giving space to and rediscovering the part of ourselves that we often miss or experience as lost in our dense and complex everyday lives. When we experience this part of ourselves, we sometimes refer to it as the 'authentic Self' and associate it with qualities such as inner clarity, calm, confidence, alignment and deep connection.  

This week 'Walking in the Wild' allows one to break away from patterns and limitations of the usual everyday life and to return consciously to the core of the relationship with oneself - the core of Self-Leadership.

The endless expanse and the fascinatingly untouched landscape, the balance of movement and tranquility invites one to an experience of connection and makes it easier for one to push forward to the 'essential'.  As a result, the strength and clarity found in one Self has an effect far beyond these days.


About the Retreat

These seven days of conscious 'time, space and movement' can lead you:
  • … to take a conscious time out for reflection and orientation;

  • ... to free yourself from constricting habits and thought patterns;

  • ... to come to stillness, to sharpen your perception and thus to get in touch with your Self in a deeper way;

  • ... to experience, the power of the authentic presence, alone and while being together with others

  • ...  to become more aware and to align yourself for the conscious shaping of your life in the midst of all complexity - the core of of true Self -       Leadership

For years we have been working with reliable and extraordinarily engaged local partners (, who offer us a safe setting (accommodation, nature guides, horse-drawn carriages, etc.) and broad support for our projects.


Working in and with nature is so essential because it reconnects us in a radical way. If we can reconnect with nature, which has often been lost in favor of short-term necessities, then we can experience a new quality of connectedness and effectiveness within ourselves, with other people, and with the systems in which we work. 


We will meet on Saturday September 20th 2025 - early evening - at the biological farm Cobor * ( and prepare for the days to follow and the communal 4 day hike. On Monday, at the latest, we will set off together for the hike through the gentle and varied hills at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains, far away from the lights and noise of everyday life. We will be accompanied by a horse-drawn wagon with supplies and will spend the night - in individual tents - at unique sites in the ancient oak forests of Transylvania.

Each day (first day and last day will be spent on the farm, in between those days we are on the road for four days/nights) we dedicate ourselves to the main theme of 'Pathway to Self': through conscious perception of oneself and one’s life worlds, through letting go of limitations and old habits, through shadow work, through the authentic powerful presence and consciousness, through the invigoration and the alignment with the essential, and through anchoring in one's own sphere of influence.


On thursday 18th or friday 19th of September 2025 we will return to our ‚basecamp‘, the organic farm Cobor, to integrate the experiences and insights gained for our everyday life ahead, before preparing to return home.  The program will end in the morning of Saturday 20th of September 2025, which can serve as well as travelday back home.

As facilitators and guides, we combine our many years of experience of transforming people and organizations with deeper knowledge from various wisdom traditions in which we ourselves have been immersed over many years. These includes proven reflection techniques, contemplation and specific exercises in and with nature.



Cost of participation: € 2.200,- incl. 20% VAT (private)  / Prices might still change a bit for 2025!

                                                                 € 2.400,-- plus 20% UST (corporate/professional)                                                                                       

                                                                                  For self-payers, a discount may be available upon request.

This includes the seminar fee and any expenses while on the road with the horse-drawn carriage. Travel costs to and from Sibiu or Bucharest, accommodation and food on the organic farm (3 nights) are excluded! Camping equipment - e.g. tents - can be provided on site if necessary.

Arrival/departure - either via Sibiu or Bucharest, depending on participation, shuttles will be organized (2-3 hours drive to Cobor


Walter Bertolini & Markus Gygli

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The Coaches

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Walter Bertolini has been working many years as a systemic Organizational Consultant  and Leadership Coach, founding partner of werk4 and the inspirational Leadership Project Essenz der Führung. He has reconnected with the power of being in & one with wild nature years ago, which brought him to found Way of Nature Austria (  as part of Way of Nature International. His transformational work incorporates powerful systemic approaches and is at the same time nurtured & deeply inspired by core practices of ancient wisdom traditions as well as contemporary awareness practices.  
Walter, originally from Western Austria, currently lives in Vienna and is working internationally.


Markus Gygli has been working more than 20 years as a systemic Organizational Consultant  and Leadership Coach & Talent Developer in different big Organizations in Switzerland. He leads shamanic seminars in Switzerland and vision journeys in Mongolia and the desert of South-Marocco. He sees himself as bridge builder between the business world and old spiritual traditions. He is economist, systemic coach & organizational developer and has a profound backround and many years of personal practice in shamanic ritual work.
Markus is Swiss and lives in Berne (

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